Understanding the Types of Dental Implants
While dental implants come in several varieties, the premise is that they are replacement teeth, designed with precision to look, feel, and function just as a natural tooth. The benefits of dental implants are many, including a more confident appearance, improved speech, easier eating, improved oral health, and long-term satisfaction and success. Understanding the types of dental implants available is an important step for patients as they, along with their oral surgeon, determine which type of implant best meets their needs and budget.
Single Prosthesis (Crown)
- A single prosthesis, or implant, replaces the tooth root through the placement of a titanium post in the bone socket of the missing tooth.
- A healing phase of 3 to 6 months is necessary as the jaw bone heals around the implant. During this time, a temporary tooth can be worn over the implant site.
- A replacement tooth, or crown, is created to both fit into the mouth seamlessly and perfectly match the color of the existing teeth.
- In the final phase of treatment, the crown is attached to the implant via the metal post.
Partial or Complete Prosthesis (Bridge or Fixed Bridge)
- Several teeth that are missing in a row can be replaced using a partial prosthesis, or bridge.
- In a similar process to what was described above for a single prosthesis, 3 or 4 teeth can be replaced using just 2 implants for support (partial prosthesis). A
- complete prosthesis replaces all the teeth in the lower or upper jaw. Options exist for a fixed or removable bridge.
- These type of implants offer many advantages over the traditional option of a partial or dentures. With partial or a complete prosthesis, the implants are anchored into the jaw eliminating many of the problems patients face with dentures that rest on the gums.
Teeth in a Day
- Teeth in a Day is the optimal choice for the patient who has many teeth missing or teeth that need a completely new appearance.
- A treatment plan is outlined including removal of any remaining teeth and sophisticated imaging studies are done prior to the surgery.
- During surgery an appropriate number of implants are placed into the jawbone onto which an individually designed temporary set of teeth are placed. Several months later, after adequate healing of the jawbone has taken place, an expertly designed set of permanent teeth will be set in place.
- Teeth in a Day offers immediate functionality with a substantial increase in patient quality of life.
Whether you need to replace one tooth or many, an experienced oral surgeon can help you outline an implant plan that includes surgery that makes you as comfortable as possible. Contact Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Utah for a free consultation and we can help you understand the different types of dental implants.
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