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Oral Surgery Anesthesia Preparation

Oral surgery anesthesia makes it possible to have comfortable, pain-free procedures such as wisdom tooth extraction, bone grafting, dental implant placement and corrective jaw surgery.

Patient with oxygen mask in hospital ward

Patient with oxygen mask in hospital ward

That said, the idea of being under oral sedation, nitrous oxide, IV sedation or general anesthesia makes some patients nervous. Fortunately, being prepared and knowing what to expect can help relieve some of that stress.

Arrange for Transportation and Aftercare

After being under oral surgery anesthesia, you won’t be allowed to drive yourself home. In fact, if you don’t have someone with you to drive you, your oral surgeon may have to cancel your procedure.

Arrange ahead of time for a friend or family member to provide transportation. While you’re at it, ask for help during the first few days of recovery, as you’ll have to avoid strenuous activity. And, due to the effects of anesthesia, you must avoid making important financial or life decisions during the first 24 hours after your procedure.

Choose Comfortable Clothing for Your Appointment

Wearing a comfortable outfit — like jogging sweats or even pajamas — can help put you at ease during your procedure. In addition, when you’re undergoing anesthesia, you need to choose a shirt that’s loose around the arms so that the treatment team can monitor your blood pressure.

Follow Your Oral Surgeon’s Instructions for Your Medications

Some medications can interfere with oral surgery anesthesia. Well in advance of your procedure, ask your oral surgeon for instructions on which medications to take and which to avoid on surgery day — and be sure to follow their advice.

Fast Before Your Oral Surgery Appointment

You need to have an empty stomach when you undergo anesthesia, or you risk complications during your procedure. The night before your appointment, you’ll need to fast, which means no food or drink after midnight or for at least eight hours before your procedure.

Notify Your Oral Surgeon of Illness

If you come down with a cold or the flu a day or two before your scheduled surgery — or if you feel sick when you wake up the morning of your procedure — contact your oral surgeon for advice. Depending on your symptoms, you may be healthy enough to get anesthesia, but if you’re too ill, you’ll need to reschedule.

If your upcoming oral surgery is scheduled with Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Utah, you can take comfort in knowing that you’re in good hands. With over 10 years of experience helping patients in the greater Salt Lake City area, our professional team is known for providing expert surgical treatment with a compassionate touch.

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Utah is committed to providing the best care to every patient. Contact our Cottonwood Heights, South Jordan or Tooele office to schedule a consultation today and to learn more about your oral surgery anesthesia options.

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